All educators in Perry CSD are committed to ensuring learning for all students. Ensure learning means all students will show evidence of progress int he essential skills and concepts through differentiated data-driven instruction.
Learning and teaching at Perry is organized around six essential questions:
- How will we ensure students and adults feel safe to learn and try new things?
- What do we want all students to learn, know, and be able to do?
- How will we know they have learned it?
- How will we teach it?
- How will we respond when students struggle or don't learn?
- How will we respond when students have already learned?
These six questions form the framework that guides professional learning across the district. Each building uses these questions to guide their efforts in improving student learning, closing an achievement gap, and creating a safe supportive learning environment.
Teachers collaborate in professional learning communities weekly and progress through the PLC Team Cycle as part of ensuring learning at high levels for each of our students. As part of this work, teachers focus on formative and summative assessment using the Standards-referenced Assessment Flowchart.
Iowa ASCD continues to develop a curated and annotated list of useful web resources for professional learning communities, formative assessment process, and differentiation.
Another useful site on professional learning communities (PLCs) can be found at Keystone AEA's PLC Collaboration site.
Looking for a great site focusing on taking your teaching to the next level? Check out the Cult of Pedagogy!