Health Services

Perry Schools Health Services

Immunization Information

PreK  Kindergarten Prior to 7th Grade Prior to 12th Grade 
  • 4 doses of DTap
  • 3 doses of Polio
  • 3 doses of Haemophilus Influenza type B
  • HIB  final dose on or after 12 months of age
  • 4 doses of Pneumococcal
  • 1 dose of MMR
  • 1 dose of Varicella
  • 5 doses of DTap-one dose on or after 4 years of age
  • 4 doses of Polio-one dose on or after 4 years of age
  • 2 doses of MMR
  • 3 doses of Hepatitis B
  • 2 doses of Varicella
  • a T-DAP and MCV4P before the first date of school or they are not allowed to come to school. NO provisional.
  • 2 MCV4P or at least one after 16th Birthday, before the first day of school or they will not be allowed to come to school until they provide proof of vaccine.

Students who come with only one of each shot will need to see the school nurse to set up appointments to stay on track to finish the series.

Health Screenings

Pre-K and Kindergarten 3rd Grade 9th Grade
  • Dental Screen
  • Lead Screen
  • Vision Screen
  • Vision Screen
  • Dental Screen

Elementary School

Melissa Hix, School Nurse
(515) 465-8354
Ms. Hix

High School
Ms. Lansing

Jenny Lansing, School Nurse
(515) 465-8460
Ms. Lansing

Middle School
Mrs. Finn

Erin Finn, School Nurse
(515) 465-8559
Mrs. Finn