
The second key question in our framework is, "How will we know students have learned it (the Iowa Core for their grade level or course)?" Answering this question takes many tools including summative and formative assessments or assessments for learning.

The Iowa Statewide Assessment of Student Progress (ISASP) are new assessments developed by Iowa Testing Programs at the University of Iowa for the state of Iowa. The assessments are aligned with the Iowa Core standards and provide a clear and accurate assessment of student learning outcomes. Student growth, proficiency and readiness indicators will be reported.

The new assessments will be administered between March and May 2019. The table below shows which grade levels will take which tests.

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This new test will feature of variety of test question formats and be offered online as well as in a paper/pencil format. Practice materials are available here. You can be sure Perry teachers will be studying them and using them with students!

Other tests

The Iowa Department of Education has an excellent set of resources to support implementation of the Smarter Balanced Assessments. These resources can be found at Smarter Balanced Mathematics Content.

Here is a video of Rich Stiggins sharing A New Vision of Excellence in Assessment.

Iowa ASCD continues to develop and update a curated, annotated, collection of web resources on assessment, formative assessment, and the formative assessment process