The Virtual Reality Education Pathfinder (VREP) is an educational initiative and partnership between government, education, and industry creating an ever-growing consortium of schools and businesses committed to bringing a new kind of learning and teaching to schools across the country. VREP is self-directed, giving students the freedom to decide what areas are of interest to them and what technologies to use.
Working with peers within their own school and across the VREP consortia, students complete projects, research and design their own virtual programs, and create 2D and 3D imaging that is then transferred into stereoscopic displays to create immersive virtual environments. Students and other viewers can then interact with the virtual environments, providing learning opportunities that engage today's learners.
What are the outcomes for the Perry's VREP program?
(1) Provide students with self-directed, interest-driven, project-based, rigorous learning in an environment featuring both independent and collaborative opportunities, where they can learn and demonstrate technical skills, content expertise, teamwork, discipline, and 21st century communication and employability skills.
(2) Create a consortium of student-designers who develop and share virtual reality learning environments that assist others in their learning of critical standards, benchmarks, and competencies (i.e., student-designers will create projects that assist teachers in teaching content).
(3) Transition from the role and perception of the teacher as ‘director of learning’ to the role of the teacher as ‘facilitator of learning experiences’ through developing a student-led program.
Click here to find a course description and competencies for students participating in VREP over a four year period.