There are several committees that are important to improving the performance of a school district. These committees include:
Perry Community School Improvement Advisory Committee (SIAC)
This committee is required by Iowa Education law and is composed of parents, students, teachers, administrators, and community members. This committee is responsible for making recommendations to the school board about major educational needs of the district, student learning goals (for the district annual progress report), and long-range goals that address, at a minimum, reading, mathematics, and science achievement. All parents, students, and community members are invited to attend these meetings; the meeting schedule, agendas and meeting minutes can be found using the link at the left.
Teacher Quality Committee
This committee is required by Iowa Education law and is composed of district administrators and an equal number of teachers appointed by the certified employee organization. This committee is responsible for determining use and distribution of some professional development funds, monitoring professional development at each building, and monitoring district teacher evaluation requirements. Meetings are open to the public; agendas and meeting minutes can be found using the link at the left.
District Leadership Team (DLT)
This committee is composed of teachers and administrators representing each building in the district. The DLT meets once a month and is responsible for leading efforts to improve learning and teaching across the district.