Here are resources to assist with working with English Learners (ELs).
- Iowa ASCD continues to develop a curated and annotated list of web resources to assist with working with English Learners.
- Education Week's "Learning the Language" blog
- ESL provides a plethora of ideas, news, and activities for working with English Language Learners.
- The Spanish alphabet contains 27 letters and 30 different sounds. Hear the Spanish alphabet here.
- ESL Activities contains fun activities and tools for teachers of ELs.
- TEFL has created a number of FREE games to use with ELs. In addition, here are games to purchase at this site.
- The Internet TESL Journal (Teachers of English as a Second Language) contains a variety of resources including games, articles, lesson plans, research papers, etc.
- Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab focuses on developing ELs' listening skills through a variety of activities, quizzes, and listening assessments.
- The Crossword Solver provides word lists for solving crossword puzzles, anagrams, and wordles, The word lists are extensive and can be used to teach a variety of words and word patterns.