The Perry Community School District Mentoring Program serves new teachers in the following ways:
- Mentees are given a minimum of two years of support from an mentor teacher.
- Mentors
and mentees meet formally weekly (or more), informally as needed,
and monthly as whole group of new teachers to the district.
- Mentors and mentees engage in reflective conversations and complete documents as part of learning together throughout the school year. The team also works to complete artifacts for mentee’s portfolio.
- Mentors and mentees complete monthly checklists that support timely discussions about all aspects of teaching and learning.
- Mentors and mentees observe each other teach at different times throughout the school year. After each observation, the team meetings to reflect on the observation, share new ideas, and develop new instructional approaches.
- Mentors and mentees engage in a variety of professional learning opportunities throughout the school year.