Social Studies Resources

Here are some useful web sites to support learning the Iowa Core for Social Studies.

  • Iowa ASCD continues to develop a curated and annotated list of web resources for Social Studies.
  • There is now an Iowa Core Social Studies web page organized into Instructional Resources, Assessment Resources, and Professional Development Resources. 
  • Beyond the Bubble unlocks the vast digital archive of the Library of Congress to create a new generation of history assessments. Developed by the Stanford History Education Group (, Beyond the Bubble is the cornerstone of SHEG’s membership in the Library of Congress’s Teaching with Primary Sources Educational Consortium. We “go beyond the bubble” by offering easy-to-use assessments that capture students’ knowledge in action – rather than their recall of discrete facts.

Veteran's Day is a very important and special time in Perry CSD. Here are some resources for learning more about Veteran's Day.


Below are several resources for teaching about September 11th, Constitution Day, and Hispanic Heritage Month.  

September 11th