Talented & Gifted

Gifted and Talented Program Mission, Vision, and Beliefs

The mission of the Perry CSD TAG program is to provide equitable and comprehensive talented and gifted services for all students identified as demonstrating or showing potential for exceptional abilities K-12 across socio-economic and cultural groups meeting cognitive and social-emotional needs, moving them toward their individual potential.

We will accomplish this mission through:

  • early enrichment and equitable identification using multiple criteria,
  • qualitatively differentiated services designed to meet those exceptional needs, and
  • individualized programming in the student’s identified area of giftedness, and advocacy on behalf of identified gifted learners.

We aspire to challenge identified gifted learners
intellectually and creatively every day.

Perry CSD District TAG Plan

Parent/Guardian TAG Nomination Form

Padres o Tutores
Formulario de Referencia para el Programa TAG

Student Peer & Self TAG Nomination Form

Teacher TAG Nomination Form for Grades 3-12

Teacher TAG Nomination Form for Grades K-2

Iowa ASCD continues to develop a curated and annotated list of useful web resources for TAG.